Welcome to my woven world! I’m Barbara Goudsmit — a passionate hand weaver from the Netherlands. I discovered the world of yarn when I picked up crochet and this quickly expanded to other yarn crafts such as knitting and spinning. I fell in love with hand weaving in 2017 when I got a rigid heddle loom. An inkle loom and a 4-shaft floor loom followed shortly thereafter. Early 2020, I became the proud owner of a Louët 8-shaft loom. This allowed me to expand my woven world even further.
I love creating my own hand weaving patterns. My weaving projects always start with several hours on the computer getting the pattern just right. It is always such a pleasure to see the design come to live on the loom after all these hours of designing, winding, warping, sleying and tying.
My designs are bold and colourful. I enjoy creating large intricate patterns that require quite some concentration and focus when weaving. For me, weaving is at its best when the treadling sequence is so long that it is impossible to know by heart. On my 4-shaft loom, I was able to achieve this best with shadow weave. This structure provides limitless design options for big and bold patterns.

My 8-shaft adventure began with experiments in advancing twill. My favourite patterns are echo-inspired, achieved through combining different colors in either the warp or weft. I have yet to run out of options, so the experiments continue. Through this page, I want to bring you along in my ever-expanding woven world.

You can contact me at contact@awovenworld.com if you have any comments or questions. I would be happy to hear if you are interested in a personalised shawl made just for you. Please let me know in case you would like your own piece of my woven world!